Financial API
Financial API operations.
Payment Conciliation
GET payments
Return a list of payments filtered by store and by payment period with merchant information and details of each payment.
Endpoint URL
Use this URL to make a request with this endpoint:
: This is your Rappi Country Domain. See the list of Country Domains.
Endpoint Properties
This resource has the following properties:
Response formats | JSON |
Authentication requirements | Token |
This endpoint admits the following parameters:
Parameter | Path | Query | Description |
store_id | X | The unique identifier of store in request | |
page_number | X | Number of pages that you want to get | |
page_size | X | The maximum size of entries in paginated responses | |
payment_id:eq | X | The payment_id must equal its value | |
expected_execution_date:gte | X | The expected_execution_date must be greather than or equal its value | |
expect_execution_date:lte | X | The confirmed_payment_date must be less than or equal its value | |
confirmed_payment_date:gte | X | The confirmed_payment_date must be greather than or equal its value | |
confirmed_payment_date:lte | X | The confirmed_payment_date must be less than or equal its value |
Status Codes
These are the possible status codes of the response for this endpoint:
Sample Request
This is an example of an API request using this endpoint:
this is an example of the request:
URL url = new URL(""); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0"); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("x-authorization", "Bearer YOUR_TOKEN"); try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) { StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder(); String responseLine; while ((responseLine = br.readLine()) != null) { response.append(responseLine.trim()); } System.out.println("Response body: " + response.toString()); } System.out.println("Response Code : " + connection.getResponseCode());
Sample Response
This is an example of the response:
{ "page_number": 1, "page_size": 10, "order_by": "string", "order_type": "string", "total_pages": 0, "total_entries": 0, "entries": [ { "id": 1000, "status": "string", "period_date_start": "2023-11-07T22:02:47.009Z", "period_date_end": "2023-11-07T22:02:47.009Z", "expected_execution_date": "2023-11-07T22:02:47.009Z", "confirmed_payment_date": "2023-11-07T22:02:47.009Z", "total_amount": 0, "payment_reference": "string", "frequecy_type": "string", "frequecy_type_descripcion": "string", "balance_request_id": "string", "bank_account": { "bank_name": "string", "account_number": "string", "bank_code": "string", "account_type": "string", "ispb": "string", "document": { "identification_type": "string", "identification_number": "string", "holder_name": "string" } }, "consolidated_stores": [1000] } ] }
GET orders
Returns a list of orders by payment or by store and a payment period.
Endpoint URL
Use this URL to make a request with this endpoint:
: This is your Rappi Country Domain. See the list of Country Domains.
Endpoint Properties
This resource has the following properties:
Response formats | JSON |
Authentication requirements | Token |
This endpoint admits the following parameters:
Parameter | Path | Query | Description |
store_id | X | The unique identifier of store in request | |
page_number | X | Number of pages that you want to get | |
page_size | X | The maximum size of entries in paginated responses | |
order_date:gte | X | The order_date must be greather than or equal its value | |
order_date:lte | X | The order_date must be less than or equal its value | |
order_status:eq | X | The order_status must equal its value | |
payment_id:eq | X | The payment_id must equal its value |
Status Codes
These are the possible status codes of the response for this endpoint:
Sample Request
This is an example of an API request using this endpoint:
this is an example of the request:
URL url = new URL(""); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0"); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("x-authorization", "Bearer YOUR_TOKEN"); try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) { StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder(); String responseLine; while ((responseLine = br.readLine()) != null) { response.append(responseLine.trim()); } System.out.println("Response body: " + response.toString()); } System.out.println("Response Code : " + connection.getResponseCode());
Sample Response
This is an example of the response:
{ "page_number": 1, "page_size": 10, "order_by": "string", "order_type": "string", "total_pages": 0, "total_entries": 0, "entries": [ { "id": 0, "payment_id": 0, "order_date": "2023-11-07T23:01:44.394Z", "store_id": 0, "store_name": "string", "store_type": "string", "order_status": "string", "payment_method": "string", "is_prime": "string", "items": [ { "name": "string", "units": "string" } ], "amount": 0, "billing": { "total_order": 0, "comission_product": 0, "cofins": 0, "pis": 0, "iss": 0, "income_tax": 0, "compensation": 0, "discount_by_marketplace_in_cash": 0, "total_order_whim": 0, "free_shipping": 0, "other_discounts": 0, "meal_voucher": 0, "marketplace_fee_no_cash": 0, "global_offer_coupon": 0, "paid_by_user": 0, "commission_whim": 0, "rappi_credits_cash_back": 0, "service_fee": 0, "shipping_partner_no_limit": 0, "shipping_partner_limit": 0, "marketplace_charge": 0 } } ] }
GET order_adjusments
Returns a list of order adjustments by payment or by store and a payment period.
Endpoint URL
Use this URL to make a request with this endpoint:
: This is your Rappi Country Domain. See the list of Country Domains.
Endpoint Properties
This resource has the following properties:
Response formats | JSON |
Authentication requirements | Token |
This endpoint admits the following parameters:
Parameter | Path | Query | Description |
store_id | X | The unique identifier of store in request | |
page_number | X | Number of pages that you want to get | |
page_size | X | The maximum size of entries in paginated responses | |
order_date:gte | X | The order_date must be greather than or equal its value | |
order_date:lte | X | The order_date must be less than or equal its value | |
order_status:eq | X | The order_status must equal its value | |
payment_id:eq | X | The payment_id must equal its value |
Status Codes
These are the possible status codes of the response for this endpoint:
Sample Request
This is an example of an API request using this endpoint:
this is an example of the request:
URL url = new URL(""); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0"); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("x-authorization", "Bearer YOUR_TOKEN"); try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) { StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder(); String responseLine; while ((responseLine = br.readLine()) != null) { response.append(responseLine.trim()); } System.out.println("Response body: " + response.toString()); } System.out.println("Response Code : " + connection.getResponseCode());
Sample Response
This is an example of the response:
{ "page_number": 1, "page_size": 10, "order_by": "string", "order_type": "string", "total_pages": 0, "total_entries": 0, "entries": [ { "id": 0, "payment_id": 0, "order_date": "2023-11-07T23:03:55.722Z", "store_id": 0, "store_name": "string", "store_type": "string", "order_status": "string", "payment_method": "string", "is_prime": "string", "items": [ { "name": "string", "units": "string" } ], "amount": 0, "billing": { "total_order": 0, "comission_product": 0, "cofins": 0, "pis": 0, "iss": 0, "income_tax": 0, "compensation": 0, "discount_by_marketplace_in_cash": 0, "total_order_whim": 0, "free_shipping": 0, "other_discounts": 0, "meal_voucher": 0, "marketplace_fee_no_cash": 0, "global_offer_coupon": 0, "paid_by_user": 0, "commission_whim": 0, "rappi_credits_cash_back": 0, "service_fee": 0, "shipping_partner_no_limit": 0, "shipping_partner_limit": 0, "marketplace_charge": 0 }, "descriptionAdjustment": "string" } ] }
GET charged_cancellations
Returns a list of cancellations (orders) and its details by payment or by store and a payment period.
Endpoint URL
Use this URL to make a request with this endpoint:
: This is your Rappi Country Domain. See the list of Country Domains.
Endpoint Properties
This resource has the following properties:
Response formats | JSON |
Authentication requirements | Token |
This endpoint admits the following parameters:
Parameter | Path | Query | Description |
store_id | X | The unique identifier of store in request | |
page_number | X | Number of pages that you want to get | |
page_size | X | The maximum size of entries in paginated responses | |
payment_id:eq | X | The payment_id must equal its value | |
order_date:gte | X | The order_date must be greather than or equal its value | |
order_date:lte | X | The order_date must be less than or equal its value |
Status Codes
These are the possible status codes of the response for this endpoint:
Sample Request
This is an example of an API request using this endpoint:
this is an example of the request:
URL url = new URL(""); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0"); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("x-authorization", "Bearer YOUR_TOKEN"); try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) { StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder(); String responseLine; while ((responseLine = br.readLine()) != null) { response.append(responseLine.trim()); } System.out.println("Response body: " + response.toString()); } System.out.println("Response Code : " + connection.getResponseCode());
Sample Response
This is an example of the response:
{ "page_number": 1, "page_size": 10, "order_by": "string", "order_type": "string", "total_pages": 0, "total_entries": 0, "entries": [ { "id": 0, "payment_id": 0, "order_date": "2023-11-07T23:09:48.153Z", "store_id": 0, "store_name": "string", "store_type": "string", "order_status": "string", "payment_method": "string", "is_prime": "string", "items": [ { "name": "string", "units": "string" } ], "amount": 0, "billing": { "total_order": 0, "comission_product": 0, "cofins": 0, "pis": 0, "iss": 0, "income_tax": 0, "compensation": 0, "discount_by_marketplace_in_cash": 0, "total_order_whim": 0, "free_shipping": 0, "other_discounts": 0, "meal_voucher": 0, "marketplace_fee_no_cash": 0, "global_offer_coupon": 0, "paid_by_user": 0, "commission_whim": 0, "rappi_credits_cash_back": 0, "service_fee": 0, "shipping_partner_no_limit": 0, "shipping_partner_limit": 0, "marketplace_charge": 0 }, "cancellatioPercentage": "string", "descriptionCancellation": "string", "cancellation_code": "string", "cancellation_description": "string" } ] }
GET store_adjustments
Returns a list of store adjustments by payment or by store and a payment period.
Endpoint URL
Use this URL to make a request with this endpoint:
: This is your Rappi Country Domain. See the list of Country Domains.
Endpoint Properties
This resource has the following properties:
Response formats | JSON |
Authentication requirements | Token |
This endpoint admits the following parameters:
Parameter | Path | Query | Description |
store_id | X | The unique identifier of store in request | |
page_number | X | Number of pages that you want to get | |
page_size | X | The maximum size of entries in paginated responses | |
payment_id:eq | X | The payment_id must equal its value | |
created_at:gte | X | The created_at must be greather than or equal its value | |
created_at:lte | X | The created_at must be less than or equal its value |
Status Codes
These are the possible status codes of the response for this endpoint:
Sample Request
This is an example of an API request using this endpoint:
this is an example of the request:
URL url = new URL(""); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0"); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("x-authorization", "Bearer YOUR_TOKEN"); try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) { StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder(); String responseLine; while ((responseLine = br.readLine()) != null) { response.append(responseLine.trim()); } System.out.println("Response body: " + response.toString()); } System.out.println("Response Code : " + connection.getResponseCode());
Sample Response
This is an example of the response:
{ "page_number": 1, "page_size": 10, "order_by": "string", "order_type": "string", "total_pages": 0, "total_entries": 0, "entries": [ { "id": 0, "description": "string", "amount": 0, "created_at": "2023-11-07", "payment_id": 0, "store_id": 0, "description_reason": "string" } ] }
GET loans
Returns a list of loans installments by payment or by store and a payment period.
Endpoint URL
Use this URL to make a request with this endpoint:
: This is your Rappi Country Domain. See the list of Country Domains.
Endpoint Properties
This resource has the following properties:
Response formats | JSON |
Authentication requirements | Token |
This endpoint admits the following parameters:
Parameter | Path | Query | Description |
store_id | X | The unique identifier of store in request | |
page_number | X | Number of pages that you want to get | |
page_size | X | The maximum size of entries in paginated responses | |
payment_id:eq | X | The payment_id must equal its value | |
created_at:gte | X | The created_at must be greather than or equal its value | |
created_at:lte | X | The created_at must be less than or equal its value |
Status Codes
These are the possible status codes of the response for this endpoint:
Sample Request
This is an example of an API request using this endpoint:
this is an example of the request:
URL url = new URL(""); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0"); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("x-authorization", "Bearer YOUR_TOKEN"); try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) { StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder(); String responseLine; while ((responseLine = br.readLine()) != null) { response.append(responseLine.trim()); } System.out.println("Response body: " + response.toString()); } System.out.println("Response Code : " + connection.getResponseCode());
Sample Response
This is an example of the response:
{ "page_number": 1, "page_size": 10, "order_by": "string", "order_type": "string", "total_pages": 0, "total_entries": 0, "entries": [ { "id": 0, "description_type": "string", "balance": 0, "frequency": 0, "created_at": "2023-11-07", "currency": "string", "disbursement_date": "2023-11-07", "disbursement_amount": 0, "deadline": "2023-11-07", "reason": "string", "stores": ["string"], "type": "string", "installment_amount": 0, "installment_percentage": 0, "lastCollection_date": "2023-11-07", "amortization": "string", "installments": { "installment_amount": 0, "installment_created_at": "2023-11-07", "store_id": 0, "payment_id": 0 } } ] }
GET debts
Returns information of outstanding debts from past periods by payment or by store and a payment period.
Endpoint URL
Use this URL to make a request with this endpoint:
: This is your Rappi Country Domain. See the list of Country Domains.
Endpoint Properties
This resource has the following properties:
Response formats | JSON |
Authentication requirements | Token |
This endpoint admits the following parameters:
Parameter | Path | Query | Description |
store_id | X | The unique identifier of store in request | |
page_number | X | Number of pages that you want to get | |
page_size | X | The maximum size of entries in paginated responses | |
payment_id:eq | X | The payment_id must equal its value | |
created_at:gte | X | The created_at must be greather than or equal its value | |
created_at:lte | X | The created_at must be less than or equal its value |
Status Codes
These are the possible status codes of the response for this endpoint:
Sample Request
This is an example of an API request using this endpoint:
this is an example of the request:
URL url = new URL(""); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0"); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("x-authorization", "Bearer YOUR_TOKEN"); try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) { StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder(); String responseLine; while ((responseLine = br.readLine()) != null) { response.append(responseLine.trim()); } System.out.println("Response body: " + response.toString()); } System.out.println("Response Code : " + connection.getResponseCode());
Sample Response
This is an example of the response:
{ "page_number": 1, "page_size": 10, "order_by": "string", "order_type": "string", "total_pages": 0, "total_entries": 0, "entries": [ { "id": 0, "description": "string", "payment_debt": 0, "payment_paid": 0, "store_id": "string", "amount": 0, "created_at": "2023-11-07" } ] }
GET extras
Returns a list of extra charges (fees, discounts, others) by payment or by store and a payment period.
Endpoint URL
Use this URL to make a request with this endpoint:
: This is your Rappi Country Domain. See the list of Country Domains.
Endpoint Properties
This resource has the following properties:
Response formats | JSON |
Authentication requirements | Token |
This endpoint admits the following parameters:
Parameter | Path | Query | Description |
store_id | X | The unique identifier of store in request | |
page_number | X | Number of pages that you want to get | |
page_size | X | The maximum size of entries in paginated responses | |
payment_id:eq | X | The payment_id must equal its value | |
created_at:gte | X | The created_at must be greather than or equal its value | |
created_at:lte | X | The created_at must be less than or equal its value |
Status Codes
These are the possible status codes of the response for this endpoint:
Sample Request
This is an example of an API request using this endpoint:
this is an example of the request:
URL url = new URL(""); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0"); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("x-authorization", "Bearer YOUR_TOKEN"); try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) { StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder(); String responseLine; while ((responseLine = br.readLine()) != null) { response.append(responseLine.trim()); } System.out.println("Response body: " + response.toString()); } System.out.println("Response Code : " + connection.getResponseCode());
Sample Response
This is an example of the response:
{ "page_number": 1, "page_size": 10, "order_by": "string", "order_type": "string", "total_pages": 0, "total_entries": 0, "entries": [ { "id": 0, "reason": "string", "description": "string", "amount": 0, "store_id": 0, "payment_id": 0, "created_at": "2023-11-07" } ] }
GET taxes
Returns a list of taxes by payment or by store and a payment period.
Endpoint URL
Use this URL to make a request with this endpoint:
: This is your Rappi Country Domain. See the list of Country Domains.
Endpoint Properties
This resource has the following properties:
Response formats | JSON |
Authentication requirements | Token |
This endpoint admits the following parameters:
Parameter | Path | Query | Description |
store_id | X | The unique identifier of store in request | |
page_number | X | Number of pages that you want to get | |
page_size | X | The maximum size of entries in paginated responses | |
payment_id:eq | X | The payment_id must equal its value | |
created_at:gte | X | The created_at must be greather than or equal its value | |
created_at:lte | X | The created_at must be less than or equal its value |
Status Codes
These are the possible status codes of the response for this endpoint:
Sample Request
This is an example of an API request using this endpoint:
this is an example of the request:
URL url = new URL(""); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0"); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("x-authorization", "Bearer YOUR_TOKEN"); try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) { StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder(); String responseLine; while ((responseLine = br.readLine()) != null) { response.append(responseLine.trim()); } System.out.println("Response body: " + response.toString()); } System.out.println("Response Code : " + connection.getResponseCode());
Sample Response
This is an example of the response:
{ "page_number": 1, "page_size": 10, "order_by": "string", "order_type": "string", "total_pages": 0, "total_entries": 0, "entries": [ { "id": 0, "reason": "string", "description": "string", "amount": 0, "store_id": 0, "payment_id": 0, "created_at": "2023-11-07", "flow_name": "string" } ] }
GET compensations
Returns a list of compensations and its details by payment or by store and a payment period.
Endpoint URL
Use this URL to make a request with this endpoint:
: This is your Rappi Country Domain. See the list of Country Domains.
Endpoint Properties
This resource has the following properties:
Response formats | JSON |
Authentication requirements | Token |
This endpoint admits the following parameters:
Parameter | Path | Query | Description |
store_id | X | The unique identifier of store in request | |
page_number | X | Number of pages that you want to get | |
page_size | X | The maximum size of entries in paginated responses | |
created_at:gte | X | The created_at must be greather than or equal its value | |
created_at:lte | X | The created_at must be less than or equal its value |
Status Codes
These are the possible status codes of the response for this endpoint:
Sample Request
This is an example of an API request using this endpoint:
this is an example of the request:
URL url = new URL(""); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0"); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("x-authorization", "Bearer YOUR_TOKEN"); try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) { StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder(); String responseLine; while ((responseLine = br.readLine()) != null) { response.append(responseLine.trim()); } System.out.println("Response body: " + response.toString()); } System.out.println("Response Code : " + connection.getResponseCode());
Sample Response
This is an example of the response:
{ "page_number": 1, "page_size": 10, "order_by": "string", "order_type": "string", "total_pages": 0, "total_entries": 0, "entries": [ { "id": 0, "payment_id": 0, "order_date": "2023-11-07", "store_id": 0, "store_name": "string", "store_type": "string", "order_status": "string", "amount": 0, "comments": "string", "created_at": "2023-11-07", "order_id": 0, "product_ids": [ { "product_id": 0, "units": "string" } ], "reason": "string" } ] }
GET cancellations
Returns a list of cancellations (orders) by store and a payment period.
Endpoint URL
Use this URL to make a request with this endpoint:
: This is your Rappi Country Domain. See the list of Country Domains.
Endpoint Properties
This resource has the following properties:
Response formats | JSON |
Authentication requirements | Token |
This endpoint admits the following parameters:
Parameter | Path | Query | Description |
store_id | X | The unique identifier of store in request | |
page_number | X | Number of pages that you want to get | |
page_size | X | The maximum size of entries in paginated responses | |
cancellation_date:gte | X | The cancellation_date must be greather than or equal its value | |
cancellation_date:lte | X | The cancellation_date must be less than or equal its value |
Status Codes
These are the possible status codes of the response for this endpoint:
Sample Request
This is an example of an API request using this endpoint:
this is an example of the request:
URL url = new URL(""); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0"); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("x-authorization", "Bearer YOUR_TOKEN"); try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) { StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder(); String responseLine; while ((responseLine = br.readLine()) != null) { response.append(responseLine.trim()); } System.out.println("Response body: " + response.toString()); } System.out.println("Response Code : " + connection.getResponseCode());
Sample Response
This is an example of the response:
{ "page_number": 1, "page_size": 10, "order_by": "string", "order_type": "string", "total_pages": 0, "total_entries": 0, "entries": [ { "order_id": 0, "cancellation_date": "2023-11-07T23:35:38.537Z", "order_date": "2023-11-07T23:35:38.537Z", "store_id": 0, "store_name": "string", "store_type": "string", "order_status": "string", "payment_method": "string", "cancellation_code": "string", "cancellation_description": "string", "amount": 0, "is_prime": "string" } ] }
GET agreements
Returns information about the contract conditions that underlie the charged amounts for each concept within a payment.
Endpoint URL
Use this URL to make a request with this endpoint:
: This is your Rappi Country Domain. See the list of Country Domains.
Endpoint Properties
This resource has the following properties:
Response formats | JSON |
Authentication requirements | Token |
This endpoint admits the following parameters:
Parameter | Path | Query | Description |
store_id | X | The unique identifier of store in request | |
page_number | X | Number of pages that you want to get | |
page_size | X | The maximum size of entries in paginated responses | |
created_at:gte | X | The created_at must be greather than or equal its value | |
created_at:lte | X | The created_at must be less than or equal its value |
Status Codes
These are the possible status codes of the response for this endpoint:
Sample Request
This is an example of an API request using this endpoint:
this is an example of the request:
URL url = new URL(""); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); connection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0"); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json"); connection.setRequestProperty("x-authorization", "Bearer YOUR_TOKEN"); try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))) { StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder(); String responseLine; while ((responseLine = br.readLine()) != null) { response.append(responseLine.trim()); } System.out.println("Response body: " + response.toString()); } System.out.println("Response Code : " + connection.getResponseCode());
Sample Response
This is an example of the response:
{ "page_number": 1, "page_size": 10, "order_by": "string", "order_type": "string", "total_pages": 0, "total_entries": 0, "entries": [ { "contracted_plan": "string", "application_fnfo": { "name": "string", "document_number": "string", "corporate_name": "string", "state_registration": "string", "municipal_registration": "string", "address": { "country": "string", "state": "string", "city": "string", "district": "string", "street": "string", "number": "string", "zipCode": "string", "complement": "string", "reference": "string" }, "contact_fnfo": { "contact_email": "", "contact_phone": "string", "contact_name": "string" } }, "store_info": { "store_id": "string", "type": "string", "document": "string", "name": "string", "corporate_name": "string", "is_marketplace": true, "address": { "city": "string" } }, "contract_info": { "frequency_type": "string", "contract_term": { "start_date": "2023-11-07", "end_date": "2023-11-07" } }, "conditions": [ { "name": "string", "commision": "string" } ] } ] }